Don’t risk your home getting under-valued, in the event that you do need to make a claim!
Hire Sherlock Home Inspections to document the condition of your property before the storm strikes.
Property Condition Certification: $135
We will conduct a thorough examination inside and out, record the age of major systems & components, the condition of all areas of the house, and document with photos.
This inspection is perfect for anyone looking to document the condition of a property.
- Homeowners – annually before hurricane season (in case you need to make a claim)
- Homeowners – before renting (compare to condition later when renters move out)
- Renters – before moving out (to show that your deposit should be refunded)
This inspection IS NOT a substitute for a 4 Point Insurance Inspection. Other than a camera – No tools will be used by inspector. Strictly a visual inspection to determine general over-all condition. Overview photos inside & out + photos of key components such as roof, electric panel, water heater, HVAC, etc.
If a major storm does hit your area…Hire Sherlock Home Inspections to conduct a Post Storm Damage Assessment Inspection.