Extend the Life of Outdoor Power Equipment

Those who neglect their outdoor power equipment usually have trouble getting it going each year. If they continue to neglect it, they may only get two or three years of use from it before it dies all together.

Conversely, owners who properly service & maintain their equipment routinely see 10 and 15 years of life expectancy.

It’s really not difficult to refresh your equipment. If it doesn’t need it at the beginning of summer, then you should do the following in the fall to prepare your equipment for several months of sleep before next summer.

New spark plugs

New fuel filters

New air filters

Fresh fuel

Fresh oil

For a more thorough servicing, also check and adjust / repair / replace the following as needed:

Clean underbelly & engine cooling fans ~ remove grass, dirt, & other debris

Motor mounts ~ in place & tight attachments

Motor mount rubber “doughnuts” ~ soft and pliable

Gearbox, driveshaft, etc. ~ well lubricated

And of course, always use personal protective equipment, such as goggles, gloves, and hearing protectors + consult the list of safety precautions in your owner’s manual.


2 thoughts on “Extend the Life of Outdoor Power Equipment”

  1. I want to make sure that I take good care of my power equipment. It makes sense that I would want to be sure to have all the necessary parts available just in case I need to replace anything! That way I don’t have to worry about it breaking down on me.

  2. I wish to express appreciation to you. I will certainly follow some of the advice from this article.

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