Prioritizing Household Issues

Many homeowners face an annoying and ever-present “To Do List” of home-repairs.

This usually brings the tough question: “What do we HAVE TO fix now, and what can we put off until later?" Todd Riley from Sherlock Home Inspections (FL) recommends the following:

First, prioritize your list of “things to do” based on what’s most important to YOU.

Everyone is different, so that depends on how handy you are &/or who you know – if your brother is an electrician, then electrical problems may be prioritized differently for you.

Once you‘ve made your list, I suggest that the following items should be at the top of your list (regardless of the cost of repairs):

  • Any problems that are a safety hazard or health risk (exposed electrical wires)
  • Any problems that will cause further damage if left alone (roof or plumbing leaks)
  • (Buyers) Any problems that keep you from financing or insuring the property

Hope this helps!

2 thoughts on “Prioritizing Household Issues”

  1. Yes, some areas are more important than others, but I never really…
    I like your advice here.

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