Home Inspection Scheduling, Tentatively Scheduling, Re-Scheduling

This may seem simple, but you would be shocked how often we have to re-schedule Home Inspections.


There can often be many people to coordinate with when scheduling a Home Inspection. Sometimes the buyer wants to be there (we welcome that). Sometimes the Listing Agent has to let us in. Sometimes we need to coordinate with the seller and/or tenants. The more people involved, the more difficult and frustrating it can be. We can usually be onsite pretty quickly, but re-scheduling and tentative appointments fill up the schedule pretty quickly.

If you call Mon and confirm that we are available Wed morning, that time may no longer be available if it takes you until Tue evening to coordinate with everyone else involved.

At the same time, scheduling (or tentatively scheduling) a Home Inspection before coordinating with everyone else involved doesn’t always work out in your favor either.


Buyer’s Agent Suzy was available Wed or Thu, but she had plans to leave on Fri for a long weekend. She figured, I’ll go ahead and book that Wed spot so that I’m on their calendar, then I’ll check with the listing agent. The next person who called would have liked Wed morning, but since we were booked, they scheduled their Home Inspection for Thu afternoon. Suzy finally got ahold of the listing agent, who checked with the sellers, and they preferred Thu in the afternoon. Look what happened! We had to schedule the Home Inspection for Suzy’s client the following week.

People who coordinate with everyone else involved, get a few possible dates and times that work for everyone, then call me to schedule usually have the best chance of pleasing everyone.