Check the play store. You’ll see all sorts of Home Inspection software & apps.
Believe it or not, there are some folks calling themselves Home Inspectors who are running around town with nothing more than an APP they downloaded. Home Inspector Association Message Boards are blowing up with questions about whether or not they are even state licensed, but it’s clear they have zero training, & no experience.
At Sherlock Home Inspections we don’t use some generic software or App with a bunch of stuff that doesn’t pertain to our FL clients like basements, snow loads, etc. We have developed our own proprietary inspection report. It is constantly evolving, having updated several times over the past 10 years.

Not all Home Inspectors are the same!
We hear all kinds of horror stories!
We do Peer Review Inspections for attorneys, buyers, & Realtors. Most people wouldn’t believe the issues that we’ve seen other Home Inspectors over-look.
It’s bad enough when an inspector is incompetent, but even worse when there’s an obvious conflict of interest because of the relationship &/or undisclosed compensation between the Inspector & Realtor.